Fase Pendidikan Islam Anak-Anak dalam Perspektif Fikih

  • Abdulloh Arif Mukhlas Institut Al Azhar Menganti Gresik
Keywords: Islamic Education, Children


Education should not be ignored by humans. The innate sense that God gives is the main capital for education and is what differentiates humans from other creatures. Choosing the right education is also no less important. Because the wrong choice in providing education to children will affect their future. Education during childhood is the foundation for character formation. The developmental phases in children's growth require the concept of education for children to also experience different phases. This research seeks answers about the phases of children's education from a fiqh perspective. Using descriptive qualitative research methods, the data sources used in this research are the Al Quran, hadith, book references and journals that discuss the stages and development of children in education. The results of this research are that children's developmental phases are grouped into three which have different educational demands. The first phase is shobiy, followed by the mumayyiz phase and then the murohiq phase.


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Abdulloh Arif Mukhlas, PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER ANAK MILENIAL, At-Thufuly: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Vol. 1. No.1November 2020| Hal 66-79
Abdulloh Arif Mukhlas, “PROSES KEPEMILIKAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM : Kritik Terhadap Uang Money Politik,” KASBANA : Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah 4, no. 1 (31 Januari 2024): 65–86.Abu Tayyib al Abbadi, Aunul Ma’bud, (maktabah syamilah, 11/142)
Muhammad bin Abu al-‘Abbas, Ghoyatul Bayan, (Maktabah Syamilah, juz 1/1)
Muhammad bin Isa, Sunan at Tirmidzi, Maktabah Syamilah, juz 2/210
Muslim bin al Hajjaj, Shahih Muslim, (Maktabah Syamilah, juz 1/342)
Salim bin Sumair, Matn Safinatun Najah. 2009. Jiddah, Darul minhaj li nasyr wa tauzi’.
Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqhus Sunnah, (Maktabah Syamilah, juz 3/329)
UU Permendikbud Nomor 137 Tahun 2014, Standar Nasional PAUD.
How to Cite
Mukhlas, A. A. (2025). Fase Pendidikan Islam Anak-Anak dalam Perspektif Fikih. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Miazhar, 4(2), 85-93. Retrieved from http://jurnal.mialazhar.sch.id/index.php/jpaimi/article/view/144